Onboarding Options

Through our substantial experience in industry and in implementing our Predictive Operations Platform, we’ve come to know that every operation has different needs when it comes to getting started with our technology and onboarding their personnel.

For this reason, we’ve established several different onboarding options that empower your organization to get what they need and uncover value and ROI fast. The three onboarding options we offer are as follows:

  • Option 1: Self-Provisioned
  • Option 2: Assisted
  • Option 3: Turnkey

Any option can be activated to best serve your team and their needs. To better understand what option may suit your needs best, please review the descriptions for each below.


Our “Self-Provisioned” onboarding option is the most involved from the customer perspective. To initiate this option, you simply go on our pricing page, ask for a quote, subscribe and you will immediately be given access to the TwinThread platform.

Our onboarding process (called the Onboarding Accelerator) gives your users the guidance they need to configure the Predictive Operations Platform on their own. This training is included in the Essentials package.

This option is best for those organizations looking to maintain full control over and involvement in the configuration and application of the platform.


The onboarding option that seems to be used most often by our customers is the “Assisted” onboarding approach. With this option, you receive all of the same guidance and training as you would with the “Self-Provisioned” option. However, our team will also help you setup key components of the platform to get you up and running.

The goal with the “Assisted” approach is for your team and the TwinThread team to collaborate in targeting a specific metric and achieving a desired outcome by applying our Predictive Operations Platform together.

By using our methodologies for implementation and consulting, we walk your team through the process of what it means to solve for a particular metric within our platform.


Serving as a natural continuation from “Assisted” is our “Turnkey” onboarding option. With this option, we stand behind you and your team as an on-demand process or reliability engineer.

This option is tailored for those organizations who want to increase efficiency and to innovate but simply do not have the bandwidth in-house to devote the time and effort necessary.

Fortunately, under the “Turnkey” approach, we can take on all platform efforts for you, ensuring you capture the benefits of TwinThread without having to commit integral members of your team to the initiative.

Whatever your needs are, we are confident that, through one of the above onboarding options, you will find implementation approach that makes getting started painless and smooth and fast-tracks you and your team to the valuable results you’re looking to achieve.

To start, simply contact us to see what package suits your operation best. From there, determining what your implementation needs are is easy.


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Brandon Ekberg
Post by Brandon Ekberg
February 19, 2021
Brandon Ekberg is the VP of Product Management at TwinThread. Brandon is a creative software executive with the technical foundation and experience to drive organizations to optimize their software product development process. He exhibits strong leadership skills and has grounded his product strategy in Design Thinking, Product Management, Software Development and Customer Success. He's passionate about growing TwinThread's organizational capability by coaching emerging leaders to become an expert in TwinThread's Industrial Cloud Platform. Brandon lives in the greater Pittsburgh area and is a music connoisseur and skiing aficionado. You can typically spot him on the slopes in the winter and at a concert in the summer.